Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blended thoughts.

I've been keeping a journal lately. Hence, the lack of thought to this blog. Some days I have words to say, others not so much. Perhaps one day I will look back at my journal and remember the time in my life when I was looking for work and had all day to spend to myself - reading, finding recipes, studying the Word, drinking hot tea and just generally avoiding going outside, where it is cold and snowy. Perhaps I'll look back at this time and think longingly how nice it was. Most likely, I won't. That's just not how I operate.

Instead, I'll look forward to living a life of godliness and pursuit. My work will be produced by faith. My labor will be prompted by love. My endurance will be inspired by hope in the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 1:3). I'll continue to get ready each day - firmly putting my breastplate of faith and love in place and my helmet that carries the hope of salvation on my head. No matter that it might mess my hair. My heart will be guarded and my head will be filled with the knowledge that all will be ok.

It is curious to me how much you learn when you actually make it a point to do just that. Go figure. Common sense, I realize. But also higher order. Training myself to be godly. Takes just as much effort as training my legs and arms to run. In the end, running won't get me anywhere. It won't save my soul or propel me to faith and good works.

Random words, but they jive in my head. I'm ok with that.

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